CHAM’s most popular asset management templates and tools

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Affordable Housing Asset Management Responsibilities Matrix

This matrix describes the main duties of the work – financial analysis, risk management, compliance, managing the manager, green strategies and mission outcomes.

Measuring Property Performance – What’s Behind the Numbers

A handy cheat sheet of frequently-used formulas that asset managers employ to assess and analyze property and portfolio performance.

Affordable Housing Asset Management Responsibilities Worksheet

Use this tool to start a strategic conversation in your organization about how you deliver your asset management services. Who does each asset management task at your organization? Which are not assigned to anyone? Who ideally should be assigned?

Real Estate Finance Glossary of Basic Terms and Calculations

A list of terms and calculations frequently used by asset managers. Thanks to Viva Consulting for sharing this resource with CHAM.

Tools for 2022: Residents, Equity, Climate Change, COVID….

The Ready to Respond: Business Continuity Toolkit (Enterprise Community Partners) equips multifamily affordable building owners and managers with a plan to address crisis as many housing communities confront risks associated with natural disasters and other risks that affect tenants and business resiliency, such as COVID-19.

Overview of Commonly Used Resident Services Data Systems (SAHF) provides a listing and some comparisons of the most commonly-used resident services data systems among the CORES certified organizations and SAHF members.

Advancing Mobility from Poverty: A Toolkit for Housing and Education Partnerships (Enterprise Community Partners) prepares housing and education partners to better understand the challenges facing their communities, collaborate on shared outcomes and pursue systems change that advances mobility from poverty for children and families.

The Build Healthy Places Network has curated informative articles, useful tools, best practices, and promising policies that are emerging as we navigate our way through the coronavirus pandemic. They reviewed resources from the community development and health sectors and categorized the best of what they found into several themes, with an emphasis on cross-sector collaboration. These themes reflect the Principles for Building Healthy and Prosperous Communities, which focus on achieving an equitable future where good health and fair opportunity are outcomes for all.

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