This class is PART TWO in receiving your Asset Management Specialist Certificate

Asset Management Fundamentals is the second in the series of courses for the CHAM Asset Management Specialist (AMS) designation.

Become grounded in the strategies of sound asset management through interactive exercises that develop skills and understanding about the practices of asset manager.

You will learn:

  • Roles and responsibilities of asset management, key documents and strategies for managing the property manager, and key property performance indicators and standards
  • How to analyze financial documents, reports, and audits
  • How to conduct reserve planning and capital needs assessments
  • The basics of housing finance, the components of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) deals (including partnership agreements and other key regulatory documents), and the role and expectations of LIHTC investors
  • How resident services programs and healthy homes strategies can play a role in improving the long-term performance of properties

Move at your own pace through hands-on exercises and case studies to reinforce basic asset management concepts, particularly related to establishing performance standards and conducting property-level financial and operational analysis.


  • Asset managers and analysts, especially people new to the field
  • Developers, property managers, accounting staff
  • Staff at nonprofit and for-profit owners, lenders, syndicators, investors, government, HFAs, PHAs
  • Individuals who oversee asset management, such as executive directors, CEOs and CFOs

Duration: This on-demand class is estimated to take 12 hours including exercises and exam

Learning Objectives:

  • Recall the basics of housing finance, how affordable housing is different, and the basic components of LIHTC deals
  • Examine the role and expectations of LIHTC investors, partnership agreements and other key documents
  • Recall how residents’ services and healthy homes can play a role in long-term performance
  • Distinguish between property management and asset management, and identify where they overlap
  • Identify the asset management function in the life of the property
  • Examine the triple bottom line and priorities that inform it
  • Identify property performance indicators and standards, and three key determinants to property costs
  • Examine the basics of a management plan, marketing plan, and the standard components of a property management agreement
  • Examine the basic financial documents and reports for an asset manager
  • Recall the basic elements of an audit, and where to find key performance indicators
  • Recall how to conduct a comparability analysis, benchmarking, and trending
  • Identify six key areas of asset management responsibility
  • Recall how to develop an asset management plan, standards, and best practices
  • Recall the four elements of property reserve strategy and best practices in conducting a capital needs assessment

Jack Geary, Jack Geary Consulting
Judy Weber, Viva Consulting, LLC

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